Partecipazione a conferenze
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Maataloustieteen Päivät 2020
Consumers value for diverse cropping system: nin-market valuation of agro-ecosystem services. Terhi Latvala. Congress. Helsinki, Finland - ·
Congreso de Comunicación Social de la Ciencia
Diverfarming. Creando comunidades a través de la divulgación. Silvia Márquez & Elena Lázaro. Congress. Buegos, Spain - ·
Mosel-Wein-Hack: Digitalisierung im Weinbau
Diverfarming presentation. Thomas Iserloh & Cord Treseler. Hackathon / Workshop. Trier, Germamy - ·
Deutscher Kongress für Geographie
Umweltauswirkungen durch Diversifizierung des Anbausystems in Weinbergssteillagen. Thomas Iserloh & Manuel Seeger. Conference. Kiel, Germamy - ·
Impact of vineyard management on soil ecology. Felix Dittrich & Manuel Seeger. Conference. Barcelona, Spain - ·
Soil dynamics and surface activity on recently diversified organic vineyards. Felix Dittrich & Manuel Seeger. Conference. Barcelona, Spain - ·
The Impact of Crop Diversification on Grapevine Growth and Quality. Felix Dittrich & Manuel Seeger. Conference. Barcelona, Spain - ·
Diversifying steep slope viticulture – towards a sustainable intensive agriculture? Felix Dittrich & Manuel Seeger. Conference. Barcelona, Spain - ·
Soil dynamics and surface activity on recently diversified organic vineyards. Felix Dittrich & Manuel Seeger. Conference. Barcelona, Spain - ·
European Conference on Crop Diversification
Crop diversification with aromatic herbs below vines. Felix Dittrich & Sören Thiele Bruhn. Conference. Budapest, Hungary - ·
Annual conference of German Soil Science Society
Soil conservation by crop diversification in steep slope viticulture. Thomas Iserloh, Felix Dittrich & Sören Thiele Bruhn. Conference. Bern, Switzerland - ·
Soil fauna - Key to Soil Organic Matter Dynamics and Modelling. Interactions with other components of soils – Mycorrhizal fungi
Diverfarming. Felix Dittrich. Training School. Tartu, Estonia - ·
European Geosciences Union General Assembly
Extreme soil erosion event on experimental plots in steep slope German vineyards (Kanzem/ Saar). Thomas Iserloh. Conference. Vienna, Austria - ·
European Conference on Crop Diversification
Economic benefits of agro-ecological ecosystem services: consumers value diverse cropping systems. Heikki Lehtonen. Conference. Budapest, Hungary - ·
Exhibition of farm machines and seminar on agri-environmental themes
What do we know about C in croplands - effects of management practices. Kristiina Regina. Seminar / Exhibition. Sastamala, Finland - ·
Murcia Climathon 2019
Low input agriculture and circular economy in agriculture. Raúl Zornoza. Seminar. Murcia, Spain - ·
European Conference on Crop Diversification
Economic valuation of ecosystem services provided by crop diversification. Francisco Alcón. Conference. Budapest, Hungary - ·
European Conference on Crop Diversification
Life Cycle Assessment of farming practices that improve citrus orchards' sustainability in semiarid areas. Bernardo Martin-Gorriz. Conference. Budapest, Hungary - ·
European Conference on Crop Diversification
Diversified arable cropping systems and management schemes in selected European regions have positive effects on crop production and soil organic carbon. Claudia di Bene. Conference. Budapest, Hungary - ·
European Conference on Crop Diversification
Enhancing diversification of cropping systems to minimize agri-environmental problems: Results of stakeholders’ consultation in Italy. Claudia di Bene. Conference. Budapest, Hungary - ·
European Conference on Crop Diversification
Biodynamic mangement with long rotations and multiple cropping contributes to hight soil organic matter content, soil fertility and biodiversity compared to conventional systems. Jessica Cuartero. Conference. Budapest, Hungary - ·
European Conference on Crop Diversification
Intercropped melon-cowpea organic system can improve melon yield and land equivalent ratio. Raúl Zornoza. Conference. Budapest, Hungary - ·
X Congreso Ibérico de Agroingeniería
El cultivo asociado de melón-caupí puede mejorar la producción del melón, la productivdad del terreno y reducir el uso de fertilizantes. José A. Acosta. Conference. Huesca, Spain - ·
XXXII Reunión Nacional de Suelo
Plastic and pesticides residues in intensive vegetable agriculture. Nicolás Beriot. Conference. Sevilla, Spain - ·
XXXII Reunión Nacional de Suelo
El sistema asociado de melón-judía de careta puede mejorar la fertilidad del suelo, el rendimiento del melón y la proporción de tierra equivalente. Virginia Sánchez-Navarro. Conference. Sevilla, Spain - ·
V Jornadas Doctorado - Campus Mare Nostrum
Disposición al pago por el desarrollo de la diversificación de cultivos en la Región de Murcia. Cristina Marín-Miñano. Conference. Murcia, Spain - ·
Feria de Tecnología Agrícola y Agronegocios del maditerráneo. Foro Internacional del Conocimiento e Innovación Agrícola - FAME INNOWA 2019)
Crop diversification in fruit and vegetable systems as strategy for climate change adaptation. Raúl Zornoza. Seminar. Torre Pacheco, Spain - ·
What Europe do you want? The EU facing climate, environment and energy challenges
Horizon 2020 programme as a mechanism to increase the sustainability of European ecosystems. The example of the project Diverfarming. Raúl Zornoza. Seminar. Murcia, Spain - ·
Are you a girl who wants to be an engineer?
Women in agricultural engineering research. María Dolores Gómez-López. Seminar. Murcia, Spain - ·
Congreso de Jóvenes Investigadores en Ciencias Agroalimentarias (CIAIMBITAL)
Evaluación de la percepción social sobre la diversificación de cultivos. Cristina Marín-Miñano & José A. Zabala. Conference. Almería, Spain - ·
Congreso de Jóvenes Investigadores en Ciencias Agroalimentarias (CIAIMBITAL)
Assessment of social perception about crop diversification. Cristina Marín-Miñano & José A. Zabala. Conference. Almería, Spain - ·
10th Conferencia del Programa Marco de Investigación e Innovación de la Unión Europea en España: Hacia un nuevo Horizonte
10th Conferencia del Programa Marco de Investigación e Innovación de la Unión Europea en España: Hacia un nuevo Horizonte. María Jesús Legaz. Conference. Toledo, Spain - ·
Workshop with local farmers
Diversificación de cultivos y prácticas de manejo de bajos insumos para el logro de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible: proyecto Diverfarming. Cristina Castagnotto. Workshop. Santiago de Chile, Chile - ·
Jornada de Puertas Abiertas Mollerusa
Diversificación de cultivos y prácticas de manejo de bajos insumos para el logro de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible: proyecto Diverfarming. Fernando Pérez & Javier López. Exhibition. Mollerusa, Spain - ·
BattiniAgri Jornada de Puertas Abiertas
Diversificación de cultivos y prácticas de manejo de bajos insumos para el logro de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible: proyecto Diverfarming. Cristina Castagnotto. Exhibition. Castiglione delle Stiviera, Italy - ·
F.I.G. Zafra
Diversificación de cultivos y prácticas de manejo de bajos insumos para el logro de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible: proyecto Diverfarming. Fernando Pérez & Javier López. Tradefair. Zafra, Spain - ·
64 Feria Agraría San Miguel
Diversificación de cultivos y prácticas de manejo de bajos insumos para el logro de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible: proyecto Diverfarming. Cristina Castagnotto. Tradefair. Lerida, Spain - ·
Jornada Puertas Abiertas Agrícola Garvín
Diversificación de cultivos y prácticas de manejo de bajos insumos para el logro de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible: proyecto Diverfarming. Fernando Pérez. Exhibition. Toledo, Spain - ·
Fercam 2018
Diversificación de cultivos y prácticas de manejo de bajos insumos para el logro de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible: proyecto Diverfarming. Fernando Pérez. Tradefair. Manzanares, Spain - ·
Enovitis in campo 2018
Diversificación de cultivos y prácticas de manejo de bajos insumos para el logro de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible: proyecto Diverfarming. Cristina Castagnotto. Tradefair. Verona, Italy - ·
Convención Promodis-Orleans Francia
Diversificación de cultivos y prácticas de manejo de bajos insumos para el logro de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible: proyecto Diverfarming. Cristina Castagnotto & Javier López. Conference. Orleans, France - ·
FATIMA 5th Plenary Meeting
Long-term scenarios for sustainable agricolture including diversification and explicitly a presentation of diverfarming concepts. Roberta Farina. Plenary Meeting. Prague, Czech Republic - ·
First North Med Regional Meeting
Diverfarming project: objectives and first reached milestones. Emanuele Blasi & Alessandra Trinchera. Workshop / Project Meeting. Viterbo, Italy - ·
Diverfarming presentation
Presentation of Diverfarming in a seminar for local companies. Kristiina Regina. Seminar. Hämeenlinna, Finland - ·
Customers meeting
Diverfarming project: description, objectives and better environmental impact. Daniela Bergamini. Workshop. Cremona, Italy - ·
Associates meeting
Diverfarming project: description and objectives. Davide Rocca. Workshop / Project Meeting. Cremona, Italy - ·
Stakeholders meeting
Diverfarming project: description and objectives. Annalisa Merli & Lodi Rizzini Angelo. Course. Cremona, Italy - ·
Villány, Red Vine Festival
Questionnaire about low-input practices, machinery, ecofarming. Gizella Dezső. Workshop. Villány, Hungary - ·
2nd TRUE LIN Workshop for the Continental Region
Environmental investigations and researches for enhance the low-input management practices in Diverfarming project. Gizella Dezső, József Dezső, János Werner & Ferenc Tarjányi. Workshop. Budapest, Hungary - ·
2nd TRUE LIN Workshop for the Continental Region
Crop diversification and environmental problems in the Danube-Tisza interfluve region. József Dezső, Dénes Lóczy & Marietta Rezsek. Workshop. Budapest, Hungary - ·
Hungarian Pedology Assembly
Low input practices and crop diversification based on Csae study 11, Villány, loess covered area. Dénes Lóczy, József Dezső, Marietta Rezsek, Gábor Nagy, Tamás Móricz, János Werner, Gizella Dezső, Roman Hüppi & Matti Barthel. Workshop. Pécs, Hungary - ·
Hungarian Pedology Assembly
Soil Sampling and Analisys within in Diverfarming project oral presentation. József Dezső & Dénes Lóczy. Workshop. Pécs, Hungary - ·
Researchers Night
University of Pécs. Dénes Lóczy. Workshop. Pécs, Hungary - ·
ICA 2018 research Conference on Cooperatives
A reflection on empirical studies into the effectiveness of cooperatives. Sophia Weituschat. Conference. Wageningen, Netherlands - ·
WiCaNeM 2018
WICaNeM 2018, 13th Wageningen International. Sophia Weituschat. Conference. Ancona, Italy - ·
Keynote presentation Regenerative Agriculture and Circular food Systems
WICaNeM 2018, 13th Wageningen International. Stefano Pascucci. Conference. Ancona, Italy - ·
2nd International GRAB-IT Workshop “Organic farming and agro-ecology as a response to global challenges”
Agroecological inputs for healthy and safe food: eligibility criteria for plant biostimulants and basis substances within the agroecological paradigm. Alessandra Trinchera. Poster. Anacapri, Italy - ·
2nd International GRAB-IT Workshop “Organic farming and agro-ecology as a response to global challenges”
Re-thinking food futures: the role of regenerative agriculture and circular food systems. Stefano Pascucci & Emanuele Blasi. Workshop. Anacapri, Italy - ·
Diverfarming project: Crop diversification and low-input farming accross Europe
Diverfarming project and innovation strategy. Virginia Sánchez-Navarro & Raúl Zornoza. Poster. Cartagena, Spain - ·
Diverfarming project: Crop diversification and low-input farming accross Europe
Innovation strategy throug diversified cropping systems proposed by H2020 Diverfarming project. Virginia Sánchez-Navarro & Raúl Zornoza. Workshop / Project Meeting. Cartagena, Spain - ·
BRIGAID Project Meeting. Workshop Innovation Communities
Innovation strategy throug diversified cropping systems proposed by H2020 Diverfarming project. Virginia Sánchez-Navarro & Raúl Zornoza. Workshop / Project Meeting. Cartagena, Spain - ·
Diverfarming: Fallstudie: Ökologischer Steillagenweinbau in Deutschland. Manuel Seeger & Thomas Iserloh. Hackathon / Workshop. Trier, Germany - ·
Central European Conference on Geomorphology and Quaternary Sciences
Extreme soil erosion event in steep slope vineyards (Kanzem/ Saar, Germany). Manuel Seeger & Thomas Iserloh. Conference. Gießen, Germany - ·
Central European Conference on Geomorphology and Quaternary Sciences
Crop diversification in steep slope vineyards. Manuel Seeger & Thomas Iserloh. Conference. Gießen, Germany - ·
COST: Vineyards: Connecting dynamics, processes and farmers
Crop diversification and low-input farming across Europe: from practitioners’ engagement and ecosystems services to increased revenues and value chain organisation. Manuel Seeger, Sören Thiele-Bruhn & Thomas Iserloh. Workshop. Trier, Germany - ·
Ciclo de Conferencias Cuenca Pedagógica Guardaña
Geografía Física en recursos Ambientales: Diversificación de cultivos. Manuel Seeger. Course. Oruro, Bolivia - ·
XV European Society for Agronomy Congress
The impactof cropdiversification and management practices in woody crops on soil and yield under Mediterranean conditions: a meta-analysis of field studies. Raúl Zornoza. Congress. Geneva, Switzerland - ·
Jornada Ampliar la Agroecología para alcanzar los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible
Diversificación de cultivos y prácticas de manejo de bajos insumos para el logro de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible: proyecto Diverfarming. Martín Soriano. Conference. Madrid, Spain - ·
VIII Congreso Ibérico de la Ciencia del Suelo
The impact of crop diversification in woody crops on soil properties and crop yield under Mediterranean conditions: a meta-analysis of field studies. Raúl Zornoza. Conference. San Sebastián, Spain - ·
MediNet Participatory Workshop on Gain and Losses in Soil Organic Carbon
CAP and Rural Development and environment. Founding best practices in sustainable cultivations and ecosystems services. Emanuele Blasi. Workshop. Viterbo, Italy - ·
MediNet Participatory Workshop on Gain and Losses in Soil Organic Carbon
Diversified cropping systems under low-input management practices: Diverfarming project. Raúl Zornoza. Workshop. Viterbo, Italy - ·
Multi-criteria decision making tool: outcomes from DIVERFARMING survey data
Diversified cropping systems under low-input management practices: Diverfarming project. Emanuele Blasi & Barbara Pancino. Workshop / Project Meeting. Viterbo, Italy - ·
Multi-criteria decision making tool: outcomes from DIVERFARMING survey data
Diversified cropping systems under low-input management practices: Diverfarming project. Rosa Francaviglia, Roberta Farina & Alessandra Trinchera. Workshop / Project Meeting. Rome, Italy - ·
Multi-criteria decision making tool: outcomes from DIVERFARMING survey data
Diversified cropping systems under low-input management practices: Diverfarming project. Rosa Francaviglia, Roberta Farina & Alessandra Trinchera. Workshop / Project Meeting. Rome, Italy - ·
MediNet Participatory Workshop on Activity Data and Biomass Emission Factors for Cropland
Diversified cropping systems under low-input management practices: Diverfarming project. Raúl Zornoza. Workshop. Lisbon, Portugal - ·
Benefits of Crop Diversification to Sustain Yields, Soil Quality and Biodiversity. Raul Zornoza. Congress. Seatle, USA - ·
FAO Global Symposium on soil erosion
Comparing erosion rates and processes after land use conversion from rainfed to irrigated crops in fragile areas with water scarcity. Niek Verschaeren. Symposium. Rome, Italy - ·
FAO Global Symposium on soil erosion
Long-term effectiveness of Sustainable Land Management practices to control runoff, soil erosion and nutrient loss in Mediterranean rainfed agroecosystems. Víctor Castillo. Symposium. Rome, Italy - ·
EGU General Assembly 2020
From natural land to irrigated crops: impact of land use change and crop diversification on interrill erosion. Efraín Carrillo López, Carolina Boix-Fayos, María Martínez-Mena. Congress. Viena, Austria - ·
EGU General Assembly 2020
Long-term impacts of inter-cropping and reduced tillage on ecosystem services in dryland agriculture. María Martínez-Mena, Carolina Boix-Fayos. Congress. Viena, Austria - ·
EGU General Assembly 2020
A comparison between vegetable intercropping systems and monocultures in greenhouse gas emissions under organic management. Virginia Sánchez-Navarro. Congress. Viena, Austria - ·
EGU General Assembly 2020
Intercropping fava bean with broccoli can improve soil properties while maintaining crop production under Mediterranean conditions. Virginia Sánchez-Navarro. Congress. Viena, Austria - ·
V4 Green Universities
Crop diversification for sustainable farming. Dénes Lóczy.
Conference. Pécs, Hungary
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Intersoil 2020
Soil microbial diversity and functional groups under pesticides in conventional and organic farms past and present traces. Esperanza Huerta Lwanga. Conference. Lyon, France - ·
Impacto de la diversificación de cultivos en el balance de carbono en leñosas de secano y regadío en la Región de Murcia. María Martínez-Mena. Workshop. Elche, Spain - ·
European Geosciences Union General Assembly
Environmental impact of crop diversification in steep vineyards. Thomas Iserloh. Conference. Viena, Austria - ·
Annual conference of Deutscher Arbeitskreis für Geomorphologie
Auswirkung der Diversifizierung des Anbausystems auf Bodenwasserhaushalt und Bodenerosion in Weinbergssteillagen. Thomas Iserloh, Manuel Seeger. Conference. Cottbus, Germany - ·
European Geosciences Union General Assembly
Unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of vineyard soils with high rock fragment content in the Mosel area. Thomas Iserloh, Manuel Seeger. Conference. Virtual EGU - ·
European Geosciences Union General Assembly
Aggregate stability of cultivated vineyard soils with high rock fragment content in the Mosel area. Thomas Iserloh, Manuel Seeger. Conference. Virtual EGU - ·
Global Symposium on Soil Biodiversity
Earthworms and microbial diversity under conventional and organic farms. Interaction with actual and inherited pesticides. Esperanza Huerta Lwanga. Symposium. Virtual FAO - ·
Global Symposium on Soil Biodiversity
Crop diversification as a chance for promoting soil biodiversity and increasing economic revenues? Felix Dittrich, Sören Thiele-Bruhn. Symposium. Virtual FAO - ·
Landscape 21
Crop diversification in steep slope viticulture with perennial herbs. Thomas Iserloh. Conference. Online - ·
Swiss conference for viticulture
Aromatic plants in vineyards - Experiences with regard to cultivation techniques and effects on soil. Felix Dittrich and Cord Treseler. Seminar. Wädenswil, Switzerland - ·
Annual conference of German Soil Science Society
Aggregate stability of diversified steep-slope vineyard soils with high rock fragment content. Thomas Iserloh. Conference. Trier, Germany - ·
Crop diversification in low input viticulture on steep slopes. Thomas Iserloh. Conference. Utrecht, Netherlands - ·
Mid-European Geomorphology Meeting
Variability of aggregate stability of diversified steep-slope vineyard soils with high rock fragment content in the Mosel area, Germany. Thomas Iserloh. Conference. Munich, Germany - ·
EROSION-3D Network
Application of EROSION-3D in the EU-project “Diverfarming” (Crop diversification and low-input farming across Europe). Thomas Iserloh. Workshop. Virtual - ·
Congreso de Comunicación Social de la Ciencia
Comunicación y públicos especializados: hablándole a la comunidad agrícola. Silvia Márquez. Congress. Barcelona, Spain - ·
European Conference on Crop Diversification
The up-stream agri- food value chain relationship role in crop diversification adoption. A case from Italian food valley. Eleonora Sofia Rossi, Emanuele Blasi, Barbara Pancino, Simone Agostinelli.
Conference. Budapest, Hungary
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European Conference on Crop Diversification
How do bakery value chain downstream’s actors pull farmers to diversify their cropping systems? The Mulino Bianco® Italian brand case study. Emanuele Blasi, Lorenzo Fosci, Angelo Martella, Cesare Ronchi, Giuseppe Mora.
Conference. Budapest, Hungary
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European Conference on Crop Diversification
How to promote crop diversification across Europe. Barbara Pancino, Eleonora Sofia Rossi, Emanuele Blasi.
Conference. Budapest, Hungary
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9th AIEAA Conference
Are citizen willing to pay for the Ecosystem Services supported by the new CAP reform proposals? A Non-Market Valuation by choice experiment. Emanuele Blasi, Eleonora Sofia Rossi, Lorenzo Fosci, Alessandro Sorrentino. Conference. Online - ·
11th AIEAA Conference
Farmers in the transition towards sustainability: what is the role of their entrepreneurial identity? Eleonora Sofia Rossi, Valentina C. Materia, Francesco Caracciolo, Emanuele Blasi, Stefano Pascucci. Conference. Viterbo, Italy - ·
European Conference on Crop Diversification
Building diversification and inputs reduction in intensive arable farms in Italy: main concepts and experimental co-design. Roberta Farina, Bruno Pennelli, Emanuele Blasi, Davide Rocca. Conference. Budapest, Hungary - ·
Landscape 2021: Diversification for Sustainable and Resilient Agriculture
Crop rotation and low input practices adoption in intensive farming system. A gross margin impact evaluation in tomato-cereals specialized farms. Lorenzo Fosci, Emanuele Blasi, Angelo Martella. Conference. Berlin, Germany - ·
10th International Geomorphology Conference
Crop diversification to reduce wind erosion hazard in a semiarid area of Hungary. Dénes Lóczy. Conference. Coimbra, Portugal - ·
10th Hungarian Conference on Landscape Ecology
Védekezés a szélerózió ellen a Kiskunságban terménydiverzifikáció segítségével. Dénes Lóczy. Conference. Nádudvar, Hungary - ·
8th International Symposium on Soil Organic Matter
Perennial Alley Cropping Contributes to Increase Soil Carbon Content and Decrease Soil CO2 and N2O Emissions in a Mediterranean Almond Orchard. Raúl Zornoza, Virginia Sánchez-Navarro. Conference. Seoul, South Korea - ·
8th International Symposium on Soil Organic Matter
Optimizing Crop Diversification to Mitigate Climate Change in Rainfed and Irrigated Perennial Cropping Systems under Semiarid Mediterranean Conditions. Raúl Zornoza, Virginia Sánchez-Navarro. Conference. Seoul, South Korea - ·
8th International Symposium on Soil Organic Matter
Crop Diversification Enhances Key Soil Quality Parameters Related to Soil Functioning without Compromising Crop Yields in a Rainfed Woody Crop System. Raúl Zornoza, Virginia Sánchez-Navarro. Conference. Seoul, South Korea - ·
8th International Symposium on Soil Organic Matter
Long-term adoption of reduced tillage and cover crops increases soil organic matter and modifies bacterial community structure in a Mediterranean almond orchard. Raúl Zornoza, Virginia Sánchez-Navarro. Conference. Seoul, South Korea - ·
8th International Symposium on Soil Organic Matter
Intercropped melon-cowpea organic system increases soil organic carbon and decreases soil CO2e emissions per unit of product under semiarid Mediterranean conditions. Raúl Zornoza, Virginia Sánchez-Navarro. Conference. Seoul, South Korea - ·
8th International Symposium on Soil Organic Matter
Microorganisms as a living part of the SOM are modified differently in a diversified viticultural system. Sören Thiele-Bruhn. Conference. Seoul, South Korea - ·
Congreso Agricultura Ecológica
Análisis económico de la diversificación de hortícolas en ecológico. EL caso de los cultivos intercalados de melón/caupí y brócoli/haba. Virginia Sánchez-Navarro, Francisco Alcón, Josefina Contreras. Conference. Murcia, Spain - ·
Congreso Agricultura Ecológica
La asociación brócoli-haba mejora las propiedades del suelo . Virginia Sánchez-Navarro, Francisco Alcón, Josefina Contreras. Conference. Murcia, Spain - ·
Congreso Agricultura Ecológica
Efecto de la asociación del melón con judía sobre el control de plagas y los auxiliares. Conference. Murcia, Spain - ·
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft
Microorganisms as a living part of the SOM are modified differently in a diversified viticultural system. Felix Dittrich Sören Thiele-Bruhn.
Conference. Trier, Germany
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Jahrestagung der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft
Stonesphere - the contribution of the soil rock fraction to soil properties in a diversified viticultural system. Sören Thiele-Bruhn, Felix Dittrich, Manuel Seeger.
Conference. Trier, Germany
- ·
Jornadas red española de compostaje
Case study num CS1: rainfed almond trees in Spain. José Antonio Pascual, Margarita Ros. Conference. Salamanca, Spain - ·
European Conference on Crop Diversification
Soil organic carbon sequestration and mitigation potential in a rice based crop rotation systems in Bangladesh - a modelling approach. Khadiza Begum. Conference. Budapest, Hungary - ·
ISMC2021 – 3rd ISMC Conference ─ Advances in Modeling Soil Systems
Modelling soil carbon under diverse cropping systems and farming management in contrasting climatic regions in Europe. Khadiza Begum. Conference. Online - ·
Jornada de intercambio de experiencias demostrativas
Proyecto Diverfarming, experiencia cultivos asociados. Virginia Sánchez-Navarro. Conference. Cartagena, Spain