Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETH)


The Federal Polytechnic School of Zurich (German Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich) is a public university pioneering in researching in Europe and all over the world. Its campus is in Zúrich, Switzerland, where it is known as EHT. Its status is due to the many scientists who have passed through its classrooms and labs. 21 Nobel laureates in its more than one houndred and fifty years of existence. Among the most famous is Albert Einstein.

Johan Six

Johan Six

  • jsix@ethz.ch
  • 0041 44 632 8483

Dr. Six received his PhD in Soil Science in 1998 from Colorado State University. and was a Research Scientist at NREL from 1998 until 2002. He led and was involved in many projects investigating the effect of land use change and management on greenhouse gas fluxes in agricultural, grassland and forest ecosystems. At UCDavis (2002-2012), He developed a research program with a focus on the feedbacks between ecosystem management options, global change, and biogeochemical cycling. In 2013, he took up a chair position in Sustainable Agroecosystems at ETH-zurich, where he continues this research, but with more of an emphasis on landscape analyses and global Food Security.

Roman Huppi

Roman Huppi

  • roman.hueppi@usys.ethz.ch
  • 0041 44 632 86 21

Environmental scientist with focus on climate research in agriculture. Nowadays looking into the connection between diversity and greenhouse gas emissions from soil.