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The Diverfarming project seeks a paradigm shift in European agriculture through the diversification of crops and the rational use of resources

The Agriculture sector in the European Union suffers from a series of problems resulting from agricultural practices that have been employed in recent decades. It has become increasingly that the commitment to intensive agriculture centred on just one crop, and the increased use of supplies (water, fertilisers, pesticides, energy...) has negative effects on both the environment and the profitability of the sector

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The team of the European project is holding an information day in Cervecería Casa Paqui (Murcia) on Tuesday, 5th November

After two-and-a-half years of work, the Diverfarming project research group has drawn up the crop diversification map for Europe according to the different edaphoclimatic regions, and now is looking for members of the agricultural community to put that diversification into practice.

With the support of the European commission through its H2020 call, Diverfarming has established the best combinations of crops to increase environmental sustainability and economic security for farmers. With the intention of creating a ‘Diverfarming farmers’ community’ a calendar of days to disseminate the information has been established to involve the low sector under the name of ‘Be a Diverfarmer’. This informative round started last September with a seminar in Cordoba and now continues with the day programmed for Tuesday, 5th November in Cabezo de la Plata (Murcia).

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The professor from the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (UPCT) Josefina Contreras was in charge of detailing the project’s breakthroughs

The advances in crop diversification of the European Diverfarming project were present in the “1st Training Days in Ecological Agriculture”, organised by the Regional Ministry for Water, Agriculture, Fisheries and the Environment of Murcia and held in CIFEA in Lorca on the 27th of September.

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The Diverfarming team participate in the ‘European Conference on Crop Diversification’ held in Budapest from the 18th to 21st of September

With the intention of exploring the potential for crop diversification to improve productivity, provide ecosystem services and make the value chains more sustainable and efficient, over 200 people attended the first European Conference on Crop Diversification held between the 18th and 21st of September in Budapest.

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El Carpio hosts the first seminar with the agricultural community of the South Mediterranean region of Diverfarming

Around 30 people attended the first of the annual seminars in El Carpio, Cordoba, that the Diverfarming team will hold to create the ‘Farmers Community’ which puts into practice the sustainable agricultural techniques posed by the European project.